
All sessions take place at the Nieuw-Welgelegen Gymnasium at Grebbeberglaan 1. You can find the actual training times here.

U-turn accepts new members all year round. However, note that the season is divided into two parts. The first half of the season coincides with the start of the academic year (September), the second half coincides with the start of the second semester (February). You can become a member at any time but you’ll have to pay for the full period, meaning either half a year or a full year.  For example, members who register in December will have to pay fees for a full year membership.

If you decide to become a member of U-turn you will have to pay the membership fees and be in possession of an Olympas or a Sports Club Card. We recommend getting the Olympas after receiving your membership confirmation from the U-turn board. The OlymPas also gives you access to the Olympos sportscenter. If you are already in possession of an Olympas you will still have to link it to U-turn. The Olympas price is in the table down below and you can find the prices for the Sports Club Card on the website. Once you have it, linking it to U-turn is free of charge. Click here for more information about what you can do with the Olympas!

If you're hyped and want to sign up right away, click on the button below:

Sign up now!

The new season (2024-2025) will start on Monday 19 August.

Note: We also welcome non-students who have recently completed their studies and are now employed, i.e., not people who are not yet studying.

Do you need a little more information? Sign up for a trial training or send an email to the board:

The videos below explain step-by-step how to purchase an OlymPas and how to link it to U-turn.

Schermafbeelding 2023-07-04 om 17.26.59
Schermafbeelding 2023-07-04 om 17.26.17

Membership fees

At U-turn you pay contribution once a year or per half year, and the membership payment depends on how many training sessions you want to do per week.

The membership fees for season 2024-2025 are:

  Half season Full season
1x training per week €25 €35
2x training per week €50 €75
3x training per week €72,50 €110
OlymPas €120,30 €160

*Based on a monthly OlymPas of €20,05

For more information, feel free to contact us at: