Color codes

 Light Dark
RGBRGB(0, 0, 175)RGB(0, 0, 146)
HSLHSL(240, 100%, 35%)HSL(240, 100%, 29%)

The lighter color code is used for the standard stickers and logo's on the website.
The darker color code is used for the U-turn flag and darker stickers.

Logo color: Light & dark (hover your mouse over the square to see the difference)

Logos and Banners

Below you can find the different official versions of our logo’s and banners. For committee members who need a logo for committee clothing, keep in mind that the preferred format is ESP.


  1. EPS Blue (scalable)
  2. SVG Blue (scalable)
  3. SVG White (scalable)
  4. PNG Blue
  5. PNG White


  1. EPS Blue (scalable)
  2. PNG Blue
  3. PNG White
  4. PNG Black